TFSDA Events

Planning an Event at Toledo First?


Please Read all the steps below to help you have a great event

Step 1) What is your event?


Toledo First is always looking for ways to connect with Christ, each other, and the community; therefore, events are a critical part of our mission.  Events often require a certain amount of logistics and support to be successful.  This process is aimed at assisting you in determining the correct steps and sharing the key information about your event. This process is designed for personal events, ministry events, or special worship programs. Reoccurring church programs do not need to complete this process unless the event is outside the normal schedule of events. 

Step 2) Requirements and Eligibility 


To be eligible for events, you must be a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to use Toledo First SDA Church. A deposit of $100 cash is required for personal events and programs.  You can make this deposit at our church office, and it will be refunded after the event if there is no damage and the areas are left clean.   Church programs, at any level of the church, do not require a deposit. 

  • Cleaning - As the event organizer, you are responsible for ensuring the church is clean after your event.
  • Closing - Before leaving the church, you are responsible for ensuring that lights are out, everything is returned to its proper location, and all doors are locked and secured.
  • Resources - As the event organizer, you are responsible for your own resources.  Do not assume access or authority to use church resources.  Please ask before use.
  • Security - As the event organizer, you are responsible for the security of your event and the facilities during your event. 
  • Setup / Breakdown - As the event organizer, you are primarily responsible for the setup and breakdown of your event.   If you need assistance with setup or breakdown, you must request it on the TFSDA event form below.
  • Food - As the event organizer, you are responsible for any food needed for your event.  You may request help from the church via the TFSDA event form below
  • Damages - As the organizer of your event, you are responsible for reporting any damages to the church immediately

Step 3) Approval 


  • Church Ministry Event -  coordinate with your elder liaison for approval.  
  • Personal Event - contact the church office. The office manager and pastor will approve.  You can email the office at to begin the process
  • JMLC or TJA - Coordinate with the Director or Principal to schedule your event.

Step 4) TFSDA event form


Once you receive approval for your event, we want to ensure you have all the support you need for its success.  Please complete the TFSDA event form to ensure you can access all the amenities you need